Creative Counselling Brighton

I gained my Supervision Qualification in 2008 after having worked as a Counsellor for some years. I am an experienced supervisor who has worked with both individuals and groups in a variety of settings I am Registered with Brighton University and The Gestalt Centre London as an Approved Supervisor. I have particular experience of working with student counsellors in placement and am aware of the extra support they may need while in training and studying for exams.

Agencies for which I have supervised groups,

Mankind Counselling Project: Supervisor of group workers
The Low Cost Counselling Service: Supervisor of counsellors

Agencies for which I have supervised individuals,
LGBT Switchboard: Gestalt Centre approved supervisor,

Terrance Higgins Trust: Supervisor of Counselling manager and Support workers

Oscars Wish Foundation, I supervisee counsellors working with pregnancy and baby loss

Rethink, Senior operations Worker Survivors of Suicide.

I also supervisee individuals and groups in private practice.

I work flexible hours in Queens Park, Brighton as well as online. Top-up supervision sessions in some circumstances where placements are not providing enough supervision to meet BACP criteria is also available.

As well as supervision I offer case study and essay support as well as help with examination prep to counsellors in training.

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