Creative Counselling Brighton

Your Questions

How to contact Creative Counselling?
For Mark Sawyer contact 07752 009769 secure voicemail

When you contact Creative Counselling's secure voicemail or via email, you can expect a response within 72 hours to arrange a convenient appointment. During this provisional session, a decision is made about further sessions. If both parties are happy to continue, a regular time slot can be negotiated.

Where are we based?
We are based in Queens Park with easy parking nearby and on several regular bus routes for details please call 07752009769

How long does the counselling process last?

This varies from person to person, issue to issue. It is possible to be in counselling for as little as a few sessions, although - since the benefits are cumulative - a longer period may be beneficial.

What is meant by working creatively in counselling?

Working creatively can lead to greater understanding. Creative techniques are only used with mutual agreement and are used to aid understanding/dialogue.

How long will each session last and what are the costs?

Each counselling session will last 50 minutes and the fees are £70.00 per session for individual counselling and £85.00 for couples. Supervision is for counsellors and associated professions as well as those studying counselling. It costs £65.00 per 50 minute session.

What if the process proves too difficult for me?

There are reassuring safeguards in place in the process of creative counselling. With an eye on the process as well as results, the client and I work together in taking on issues as they arise, so the client is not unduly overwhelmed, fearful or disturbed. As with many processes of healing, there can be a period of greater pain before relief is found. However, you will be supported in your session with difficult feelings that arise.

What are the benefits of Creative Counselling?

Clients have reported back that they feel happier and more contented, that they feel more alive and have more energy. Other clients have noticed that their physical health has improved in conjunction with improved self esteem and self awareness. A feeling of well being and empowerment is often reported by clients as is feeling calmer and more relaxed. One client, a single mother, stated, 'I have so much supporting to do, it is nice to have someone there to support me...'

Sometimes talking to a counsellor is enough. Sometimes a variety of approaches are required to get to the heart of the matter and offer the client relief of communicating what matters to them. We offer a warm and friendly approach and will reguarly review work with clients to see if they are getting what they need.

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